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Saturday, March 10, 2012

11 :)

Assalamualaikum and hello readers :)

So much fun and painful, dah pun 11 :) Syukur Alhamdulillah.

1 + 1 = 11 = He & She = <3.

*Based on my very own math law :P
I can't thing about what I hate and what I love about you. I can only hope, pray that we'll stay together thru thick and thin. 11 months isn't a long journey but am proud to say that we're strong enough to face all the good and bad times. Banyak lagi yang belum kita lalui, banyak lagi cabaran yang memerlukan kepercayaan, kekuatan kita together. Hope kita masih boleh teruskan. Terima kasih kerana sentiasa ada dengan saya, terima kasih juga kerana menguji tahap kesabaran saya, terima kasih juga kerana banyak bagi peringatan, terima kasih untuk segalanya :)
My 'I want some shokoletzz and cakezz and foooooodzzzzz and many moreeeee' face :D
My annoying fish mouth face :P

Ini je yang saya mampu terfikir nak bagi :P

Have faith, believe in the power of doa. InsyaAllah we'll be fine :)

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